# of watchers: 36
| D20: 8 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2006-07-05 [Fear of the Soul]: awwwwwww
2006-07-05 [Sandman666]: ended last night...
2006-07-05 [Fear of the Soul]: lol
2006-07-05 [Nytefox]: no duh
2006-07-05 [Nytefox]: and guess what.....I WIN
2006-07-05 [risky]: if anybody cares i found a way to kill myself ow and i think it is working perfectly...
2006-07-05 [Sandman666]: why r u trying to kill yourself...
2006-07-05 [Nytefox]: really now?.....death is so pointless.....
2006-07-05 [Fear of the Soul]: death isnt the answer
2006-07-05 [risky]: i think it's the perfect answer
2006-07-05 [risky]: but... those of yo who don't have dial up should join IMVU it's kinda cool i guess...
2006-07-05 [Fear of the Soul]: ???
2006-07-05 [risky]: nevermind
2006-07-05 [Fear of the Soul]: oh... im sorry.....
2006-07-06 [Nytefox]: it's like a 3D chat thing......Tro
2006-07-06 [Fear of the Soul]: oh?
2006-07-06 [Sandman666]: whad e do...
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: ?
2006-07-06 [risky]: smh
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: ?
2006-07-06 [risky]: smh
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: wtf?
2006-07-06 [risky]: *ahem* smh
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: what's that mean?
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: That's what I wanna know.
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: she won't say..
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: Damn. That sucks..
2006-07-06 [risky]: it means i've been on crushspot too long cause everyone says it there and it takes you a long time to figure out what it means cause if you ask anyone they will laugh at you or tell you it means suck my heinie or something stupid like that... but *smh*
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: O_o!!
2006-07-06 [risky]: *question* what do they do when you get tested for ADD?
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: talk...lots of talk...and pictures...and concentration things and...follow instruction things...
2006-07-06 [risky]: wow... i think i will get bored... like when i failed my math test cause it was really long and all those interesting white floaty things were floating outside and it was distracting... smh at myself lol
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: nice.
2006-07-06 [Fear of the Soul]: ...
2006-07-06 [risky]: ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS... *SMH*!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
2006-07-06 [Fear of the Soul]: o...m...f...g.
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: XD!!!!!
2006-07-06 [risky]: what should i say back... hmmm... too bad white guys have little dicks... lol
2006-07-06 [Nytefox]: (hides)
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: nice...
2006-07-06 [risky]: lol sorry to those o you that have to deal with the afflicted white boys lol
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: lol nice...
2006-07-06 [risky]: this is sad lol
2006-07-06 [Nytefox]: I love that.....
2006-07-06 [risky]: WHEE!! I have a new message hold on...
2006-07-06 [Nytefox]: (holds)
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: *holds*
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: XD!!! This is amusing
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: *holds him instead*
2006-07-06 [risky]:
2006-07-06 [risky]:
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: O_o!!!!!!
2006-07-06 [risky]: wow lol i have another new message hold *insert corny elevator music here*
2006-07-06 [Fear of the Soul]: LOL
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: *laughes hysterically and uncontrollably
2006-07-06 [Nytefox]: (dies laughing)
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: grins...this person's funny...
2006-07-06 [risky]:
2006-07-06 [risky]: this boy had a ruler handy didn't he?? lol
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: Could have memorized it. XD!!
2006-07-06 [Nytefox]: fuck with his MIND! MWHAHAHAHAH!
2006-07-06 [Maya_Midnight]: either that or he's a good estimater
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: XD!!
2006-07-06 [risky]:
2006-07-06 [risky]:
2006-07-06 [Nytefox]: (dies laughing once again)
2006-07-06 [risky]: MUAHAHAHAHAHAH
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: wow. That made my day.
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: Thanks, Jem.
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: Poor white boys..
2006-07-06 [risky]: YAY!
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: that's absoufucking flawless!
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: ...*cough* victory *cough*..
2006-07-06 [risky]: haha absofucking... OH SHIT i forgot i'm going to a game i have 20 min to get ready so hugs kisses buh bye oh yea and
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: fuck you Panda....bye jem.
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: Peace!
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: Well, if you really want to...
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: yes. very yes.
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: Then so it shall be.
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: woot.
2006-07-06 [Nytefox]: and yet another cyber sex scene
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: -nods-....I hate Dustin..
2006-07-06 [Syn's Desire]: we can take it else where...(hate dustin too!)
2006-07-06 [Vincent Stryke]: What if we tie up T and throw him in a closet?
2006-07-06 [Nytefox]: why??? why all the hate???
2006-07-06 [Fear of the Soul]: XDDDDDDD START A CLUB!!!!
2006-07-07 [Maya_Midnight]: YES MORE CLUBS!!!
2006-07-07 [risky]: wow...
2006-07-07 [Fear of the Soul]: WHOOOOOOOOO
2006-07-07 [Froggy526]: i missed a lot...i wonder what will happen if i stay logged off the entire month? (in other news, for all Sevendust fans, they started recording a new album 2 days ago)
2006-07-07 [Vincent Stryke]: -nods- You have.
2006-07-07 [Froggy526]: yes, quite. btw, theres an Azera look-alike here (mainly by physique and hair style)...its weird.
2006-07-07 [Rowan]: didnt we all figure this out a while back?
2006-07-07 [Nytefox]: (shrugs).....they're ignorent like the rest of us....
2006-07-07 [Froggy526]: i'm not talking about here on the BT website, i'm talking about here in Massachussetts
2006-07-07 [Nytefox]: we kno Froggy
2006-07-07 [Fear of the Soul]: koo
2006-07-07 [Master Of Duct Tape]: iiiinteresting
2006-07-07 [Fear of the Soul]: yuppers
2006-07-07 [Nytefox]: I'm sorry for the confusion (goes back into dark corner)
2006-07-07 [Fear of the Soul]: *gives frost big hug*
2006-07-07 [Nytefox]: (freezes up)
2006-07-07 [Fear of the Soul]: *falls to the ground frozen*
2006-07-07 [Nytefox]: (laughs demonically and walks away)
2006-07-07 [Master Of Duct Tape]: THREE DAYS GRACE!!!!!!!!!
2006-07-07 [Froggy526]: wow...maybe i should just not log on here for the next couple of weeks and see what happens
2006-07-07 [Sandman666]: *defrosts Meg then goes to dark corner*
2006-07-07 [Fear of the Soul]: *finds blaket, and curls up next to tree*
2006-07-08 [lost in love 09]: joins
2006-07-08 [Fear of the Soul]: w00t!
2006-07-08 [Sweet Surrender]: If you don't log on for a couple weeks then you have a lot of reading to catch up froggy...
2006-07-08 [Fear of the Soul]: yuppers...
2006-07-08 [Rowan]: in Massachusetts? wow...she's spreading
2006-07-08 [risky]: OH MYYY GOSHHHHH!!!!!!
2006-07-08 [Fear of the Soul]: hahahahahhahaa
2006-07-08 [risky]: i changed my mind im too scared of a tattoo so im getting my belly button pierced yay!
2006-07-08 [Master Of Duct Tape]: im getting a tattoo
2006-07-08 [Fear of the Soul]: fun fun
2006-07-08 [Master Of Duct Tape]: yesh
2006-07-08 [risky]: my piercing is cooler cause im always showing off my abs ne ways : )
2006-07-08 [Master Of Duct Tape]: ive got 9 piercings... but they're all in my ears. :'(
2006-07-08 [Fear of the Soul]: lol
2006-07-09 [risky]: ive got 6 and theyre not all in my ears...
2006-07-09 [Master Of Duct Tape]: .. i dont want to know...
2006-07-09 [Nytefox]: ....nor do I....
2006-07-09 [Sandman666]: i can guess... but im not gonna...
2006-07-09 [risky]: lol at least im not the one with a nasty mind and keep in mind that i have a fear of pain so it can't be all that bad can it?
2006-07-09 [Sandman666]: novacane... or other painkillers... you dont feel a thing...
2006-07-09 [Sandman666]: so yes it can...
2006-07-09 [Nytefox]: hehehe.....I love novacane......
2006-07-09 [risky]: OH....... MY......... GOD.......... *drool*
2006-07-09 [Nytefox]: and Nitrous oxcide does the same thing.....hehe
2006-07-09 [Froggy526]: whoa...i guess i know what happens when i leave even 2 days oO
2006-07-09 [Master Of Duct Tape]: 2 days is nothing. i was gone for .. 2 weeks before, i was lost.
2006-07-09 [risky]: ive been gone for months sooo
2006-07-09 [risky]:
2006-07-09 [Fear of the Soul]: 20.85 SECONDS BOOYA BEAT THAT!!!!!!!!!!
2006-07-09 [risky]:
2006-07-09 [Nytefox]: 20.867 SECONDS! IN YOUR FACE MEG!
2006-07-09 [risky]: smh i give up u ruined my show, im assuming you werent here for the first episode oh well sux for everyone else goodnight
2006-07-09 [Master Of Duct Tape]: erm 47.36 seconds.
2006-07-09 [risky]: actually i still stayd up the whole fuckin night ...
2006-07-09 [Nytefox]: ahhhh! I'm leaving for camp today.....dude
2006-07-09 [Sweet Surrender]: omg...
2006-07-09 [Master Of Duct Tape]: heh i hate you. you get to go to camp... i have summer school...
2006-07-09 [Fear of the Soul]: fun fun, im leaving to my dads house in st. louie the 19th
2006-07-09 [Sandman666]: YAY... wait... awww
2006-07-09 [Fear of the Soul]: you.... want me to leave? cuz i can make it sooner, one call can change everything
2006-07-09 [Sandman666]: no... hence the 'awww'...
2006-07-09 [Sandman666]: there was somthing about fun... so i said 'YAY' for the fun... then i saw the u leaving part
2006-07-09 [Fear of the Soul]: okay then......
2006-07-09 [Froggy526]: i understand what he's saying....oh well
2006-07-09 [Syn's Desire]: gimme the addy and i'll send you mail abby
2006-07-09 [Fear of the Soul]: lol
2006-07-10 [Janai]: 23.047 seconds...
2006-07-10 [Syn's Desire]: till?
2006-07-10 [Janai]: Ah, sorry. ^^0 That game with the red and blue blocks...the links was just up on the top of the conversation box.
2006-07-10 [Syn's Desire]: umm?
2006-07-10 [Janai]: http://members
2006-07-10 [Janai]: It's kinda addictive...
2006-07-10 [Just A Lost Pixie]: lol
2006-07-10 [Janai]: *grins* 25 seconds now.
2006-07-10 [risky]: trust me... this one is sooo much more addictive http://hallpas
2006-07-10 [Sandman666]: has anyone beatin the orgasm girl one yet...
2006-07-10 [Sandman666]: its pretty easy...
2006-07-10 [risky]: u lame no the hell it isn't it's frustrating
2006-07-10 [Syn's Desire]: right...
2006-07-10 [Maya_Midnight]: holy hell, i'm gone for 2 days & there's three pages. but when i'm on no one else is. *tear* *glomps Avivah* i miss you!!!
2006-07-10 [Sandman666]: u want me to tell u how to finnish her...
2006-07-10 [manly cheerleader of doom]: you want to tell me how to get past the first first bar...i can only ever get there
2006-07-10 [Sandman666]: u want give her an orgasm... getting to the second bar means nothing unless u can get past the third
2006-07-10 [Fear of the Soul]: HOW!!???!?!?!?
2006-07-10 [Sandman666]: how what...
2006-07-10 [Fear of the Soul]: do you get to have an orgasm
2006-07-10 [Sandman666]: in the game or you yourself...
2006-07-10 [Fear of the Soul]: ...nvm
2006-07-10 [Sandman666]: i sent u a message...
2006-07-10 [Fear of the Soul]: okay then
2006-07-10 [Sweet Surrender]: haha
2006-07-11 [Mask]: Hi, my name is Mask, I am a friend of Froggy's. Met him at camp
2006-07-11 [risky]: Hi, I don't care.... who is froggy again... whatever still don't care... but anyway i got halfway through the red bar and i still didn't win... smh
2006-07-11 [Froggy526]: the sorts you find at arts camps, yeah?
2006-07-11 [risky]: uh... no...
2006-07-11 [Froggy526]: if u say so...
2006-07-11 [risky]: i do
2006-07-11 [Fear of the Soul]: hi mask!!!! im meg, nice to meet you!
2006-07-11 [risky]: damn nice people...
2006-07-11 [Froggy526]: i'm a nice person, sorry to break it to ya
2006-07-11 [Fear of the Soul]: oh... sorry....
2006-07-11 [risky]: wasn't talking about or to you whoever you are (froggy that is)
2006-07-11 [Fear of the Soul]: oh then who?
2006-07-11 [Froggy526]: as Alex R. says, "ya rly" (on a similar note, welcome back from camp, Alex!)
2006-07-11 [Mask]: Ha, yeah, Froggy said I reminded him of his friends at home (you all) and wanted to introduce me.
2006-07-11 [Fear of the Soul]: awesome, well... welcome to... us then.... W00t W00t!!!!!
2006-07-11 [risky]: wow... where are the REAL bt members? this is boring... Avivah? Sandman? ANYBODY??? WAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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